
Posts Tagged ‘Bread-baking’


The Bible passage I read six days ago wasn’t new to me. It may have been the first time I saw myself in the story though.

I wish I’d seen my character in prayerful Hannah, Virtuous Val, righteous Elizabeth, or the favored mother of Jesus. I didn’t.

The passage I read was Genesis 18:1-15. Sarah, inside a tent, followed her husband’s request. She made bread for their guests.

I make bread for my guests.

Sarah’s hands were busy but her ears were attuned. With no crying babies, giggling toddlers, or rambunctious teenagers to look after, Sarah kneaded dough in silence.

The words spoken outside the tent were clear: “Next year, your wife, Sarah will have a son!”

She laughed.

I probably would’ve too.

 “How could a worn-out woman, with an old husband, have children?”

I answered Sarah’s logical question. She can’t.

When Sarah gazed at her childbearing friends, her body looked nothing like theirs. Sarah’s tears and cycle ended long before she heard those ridiculous words.

Then came a bigger jolt.

“Why laugh? Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

Sarah denied her laughter. I heard mine.

Wounds reopened, the uncertain future frightened Sarah. She’d dreamed before, month after month.

I have unfulfilled desires.

Sarah swept the breadcrumbs and hope out of the tent. Again.

But she fixated on the question: “Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

It’s consuming my thoughts too.

There’s only one right answer: “No. Nothing is too hard for Him.”

I confess I’m like Sarah. Nearly every day I laugh at God’s promises. I don’t giggle but my reflex is often a scoff of disbelief.

Here are some examples.

  • Psalm 37:4 says if I’ll delight in the LORD, He’ll give me the desires of my heart. My response is often, “Yea, right!”
  • Psalm 139:14 tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I look in the mirror, compare myself to friends, and chuckle, “Fearful at least!”
  • John 15:7 invites me to ask for anything and it will be done. Too often, I don’t even ask.

What about you?

LORD God I want to trust your words. I know they’re true. Please forgive me for the many times I dismiss them with a snicker. Help me avoid impatience and comparisons. I want to keep my eyes and ears focused on You.

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